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TopXML releases the System.XML reference online

Mark Wilson of TopXML pinged me to say that TopXML have released:
So how's this different that other references? They actually have *useful* examples on the classes, with short, to the point descriptions of each class. Here's what they say:
  • Each class description page is supplemented with a list of the public properties and methods provided as part of the class members.
  • Samples are further prefixed with brief introductions. The purpose of these pages is not to provide comprehensive descriptions of individual classes, but to supply simple, introductory code samples.
  • Any public property or method that is actually used within the sample code is bolded in the initial table containing the public properties and methods.
  • The declaration statement of the currently described System.XML class is always bolded within the sample code.
  • Most of the samples can be easily implemented using a Windows form that contains a button and a text box. The code uses the default names of these controls (Button1 and Text1 respectively). Some of the examples, however, need to be incorporated within existing routines.

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