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Annoying pop up on this blog? No more, I hope.

I seem to have inadvertently let in a pop up ad into this blog through one of the amazon or google ads. This was unintentional and I'm freaked out that I haven't noticed it. I still haven't, but I've gotten 3 emails today about this so I went ahead and fiddled with the HTML of this blog a bit.
Please let me know if you still see any annoying pop up ads. It would help if you could tell me all the details you can about them so that I can track this down. If push comes to shove I'll just take down all the ads and add them one by one until I find the culprit. My main suspicion though is an old amazon ad I had lying around here with an old link. I removed that so hopefully there should be the end of it.
Please let me know, either in a comment or email to Roy at that I still have a problem.
Thanks, and sorry.

More popups?

Early experiences from .NET 2.0 Winforms