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The new

It looks like one of my favorite sites - has taken on a new initiative - write more, and also get some real money for it. Here's the blurb from the brand new spiffy home page:

"...As many of you know, I've been writing regular software reviews and editorial content for ADT Magazine for some months now. But working within some of the editorial limitations there has not always been easy, and I haven't been able to do precisely what I wanted on their Web pages or in the associated RSS feed. As it happens, yesterday was my last day writing for ADT. Instead of looking for another publication to pick up that content, I've come to a decision: today is the first day that I'm writing with myself as the publisher. From now on, you'll be seeing longer reviews and rants on the front page of Larkware, along with the short links and news bits you've grown used to in the Daily Grind.

You will notice one change in the Daily Grind itself: sponsorship links. These are paid notices from software vendors who want to support my work here. I hope you'll at least consider reading what they have to say and following their links. You won't find any banner advertising on Larkware. "

Congratulations and good luck, Mike! I'll definitely continue reading the site - It's always been one of the main news sources for me, and it looks like it's only gonna get better.

Met some nice people in Prague

Response to the test generation "bug" I posted about