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Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows - Updated

It's back, and it's bigger than ever, tighter around the edges, and storms into your hard drive faster than you can say "RegEdit".


Scott Hanselman's 2006 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List for Windows

If you're a geek, power user or developer, this list has tools in it you didn't know you needed until you saw them (and there are plenty of those, trust me).

Highly recommenced for hanging on your open space wall for when you're bored and looking for something to download and be more "productive".

Nice bonus for me: My Regular Expression Tools: Regulator, Regulazy and Regex Visualizers all made it to the list. Sadly, my own tools site didn't - maybe next time!

Update: I missed it, but my Amazoner is on the list too. Glad people found it useful!

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