Roy Osherove

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The Next Best Thing After a User-Group: .Net WebCasts

Ever since i discovered WebCasts  I have been a big fan. Microsoft has been doing Webcasts teaching pretty much anything about Microsoft Technology and specifically on .Net related issues for some time now, and they have quite a collection of previous webcasts that you can download and view.

I recommend these heartedly. It's the next best thing after live UserGroup Meetings or other live lectures. The webcasts are brodcast using Interwise's E-Learning tool (Another Israeli company - Yey!), and ,Assuming you'r watching a live web cast, let you participate on an interactive level - ask questions, answer polls and small tests live and basically act like a student for 70 mins. or so...

There are sessions in there ranging from Developing On Windows Server 2003 - to HyperThreading-oriented C# programming - to Mobile solutions for SmartPhone - to Project Management and SharePoint Portal server stuff. You name it, it's probably there or will be.

The software is freely available - You can intsall it right from Microsoft's webcast site. just follow the instructions. very easy. Just one caveat : The webcast client uses Internet explorer for some streaming and stuff So if you are using another browser as the default browser, there's a setting in the WebCast client that lets you determine what browser to use. I found this out after an hour or so of the client Hanging - No warning no nothing. Oh well. I guess it's beta or something...

Anyway - Go Here and start learning!