Roy Osherove

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Microsoft's Smart Devices Developer Community

[permalink] Microsoft's Smart Devices Developer Community

There hasn't been a lot of information posted about the new Smart Devices Developer Community yet, so I thought I'd see how well the word spreads if I mention it here. There's already a good amount of content in the form of articles, code samples, multimedia, and FAQs available. The URL is:

We already have plenty of new articles and other content on its way. In the very near future, there will be a whole collection of new online forums available, where you can ask questions about Smart Device development and communicate with Microsoft MVPs and people from the product teams. The community covers the whole range of smart device development -- native code, managed code and the Compact Framework, VS.NET 2003 device programmability, SQL CE, and everything in between. (I've heard a rumor that RSS feeds similar to those offered by MSDN are also in the works.)

The community site is definitely worth checking out -- register yourself there today!

[via Joe]

Coolness. This is an area i'd like to explore more in depth.