My Baby Hits The Road Tomorrow
Just wanted to brag a little -
Tommorow I'm releasing an alpha version of our companie's latest tracing software.I built this thing entrely myself. It's mostly built using VB6, with the the remoting extentions built using C# and interop. Right now the execs won't commit to a full .Net implementation of it. It's just too costly. Since it started out as a VB6 project, it will also finish this way.
Among its features:
- Tracing plugins for VB,C++ and .Net
- Full docking,floating and auto-hide windows
- Views of the trace data, each view uses a custom filter of what to show.
- Views are grouped by Layouts which can be saved and restored
- Layouts can be categorized and sorted(also saved)
- customizable colors (and icons in later versions)
- Remoting extentions to allow recieving traces from remote machines(via HTTP/TCP)
Next versions will have
- Custom actions on specific filter hits (example: If you encounter error level 3 - play *this* wav file)
- Pluggable views to allow custom handling of recived traces
- Reusable filters and views, shared between multiple layouts
I'll be releasing it for small amounts of production use tommorow. Hopefully, everything will go well...