Roy Osherove

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[Article] Introduction to Test-driven development with NUnit and the NUnit-Add-in

It's been a while since my last article, but this one has been lurking inside me for the past month or so. It's the first of a series I plan to write about Unit-Testing in .Net (well, maybe just another one down the line. I don't know if I have enough material for more).

Her'es the intro:

Every once in a while in my development career I realize just how much I’ve been missing out on some technique that I’ve just discovered. Such was the case with learning about Design patterns, as was the case with learning how to write self-documenting code, and countless other occasions where I felt I’ve “discovered a whole new world” and from that moment on tried to stick to the new things I’ve learned. Doing Test-Driven development (TDD) was definitely one of those techniques.

Read it here. Have fun. Be productive.