The Regulator featured on Channel 9
Josh Ledgard pinged me to let me know that he showed
The Regulator on
this Channel 9 video, along with
PInvoke.Net, as two samples of community built helpful applications. Coolness!
One thing to note is that Josh mentioned which is a great community site which lets you search and store Regular expressions easily. Anyway, Regexlib.Com is being run and was conceived totally not by me, but by
Darren Neimke, who is one of the Regex gurus and also an MVP. I just used the web services that exposes to find and store regex.
Darren has also been busy putting up
Project Distributor which allows you to upload your code and other cool development stuff to share with the public or just your friends (think CodeProject, only you can can choose to only let your friends in).