MbUnit RC1 released (and some nifty nifty features!)
This very cool framework is getting a facelift with some very very very nifty features.
I'm seriously considering doing my next projects with this framework. I just need some real world hands on time with it to make sure. Anyone has any such experience already?
New features
- TestDriven.NET integration: MbUnit is now shipped with TD.NET (see Download instructions below) and fully integrated with it. You can execute any MbUnit test, fixture, namespace directly from Visual Studio using TD.NET. The execution using TD.NET also creates an HTML that is directly browsable from VS,
- Fixture level setup and teardown: (TestFixtureSetUp and TestFixtureTearDown) and assembly level setup and teardown,
- Drag and drop Unit Testing: a new "designer friendly" way of creating your fixtures: Demo1, Demo2, Demo3
- Combinatorial tests, in MbUnit, introduction, all pairs
- Smart test tools in TestFu such as the Database Populator Framework,