Roy Osherove

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This week at the C# Users Group: Windows Communications Foundation (“Indigo”) with Ido Samuelson

Topics: Windows Communications Foundation (“Indigo”)

Lecturer: Ido Samuelson, Advantech (Magen)


Date:    Wednesday, January 18, 17:00 - 20:00

Place:   Microsoft Israel  

            Hapnina 2  ( Amdocs Building )

            Ground Floor


+972 (9) 762-5100         


Parking available at the Kurkar parking lot. Proceed straight past the traffic circle and the parking lot will be on your right.


Windows Communications Foundation (formerly codename “Indigo”) is Microsoft’s new platform technology for building distributed applications. WCF is a unified framework bringing the best of ASP.NET Web services, .NET Remoting, Enterprise Services, WSE, and System.Messaging.


This session introduces the WCF programming model-(the ABC) and presents: hosting, reliable messaging, security, queues, transactions, duplex, peer channel and more. If you have never seen an introduction to Windows Communication Framework, this is a must attend session!


Ido Samuelson is a .NET specialist and a senior consultant at Advantech (Magen). Ido leads and mentors clients' projects.  He is an excellent problem solver with extensive expertise in C#.  His passions are frameworks, best practices and internals.

Come to this Community Launch event and participate in a raffle for free versions of SQL Server 2005 and Visual Studio 2005.

As always, although admission is free and you may attend without reserving a place, we kindly request that you notify us if you plan to attend so that we can be sure to have enough chairs and FOOD!


Thank you.