Roy Osherove

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Art Of Unit Testing Book Available Shortly

Parts of it, at least.

My upcoming book, The Art Of Unit Testing, has just gone in to the first review cycle, on the 1\3 complete mark (five chapters complete so far, we want to review and get feedback).I'm excited!

 It's already been sent out, and I'm sorry to say that the reviewer list is closed already.

The good news is that soon, in the coming weeks you should be able to buy the book in parts using Manning's Early Access program, where you can read the book chapters as they come out, talk about things regarding it on the forums, and basically learn with me as I get the book done.

The first five chapters will talk about the basic techniques of unit testing with stubs, mock objects, and mock frameworks, with an introduction to all the concepts, using NUnit and Rhino.Mocks as the tools for the samples.

Here's an example of a book already available in meap (manning early access program) :