Roy Osherove

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ALT.NET Conference Announced

Scott Bellware recently announced the ALT.NET Conference, which he's organizing.(What's ALT.NET?)

When? October 5-7, 2007

Where? Austin, Texas (that's all I know for now)

The conference will run in the open spaces style which means that no one is a speaker, and everyone can speak and organize their own little topic to talk about(as far as I understand).

I'm part of the organizing committee (not sure what that means yet either..) along with Ayende, Jeremey,JP and more:

It's limited to 100 people, so you better register quick by listening in to Scott's blog posts and finding out the moment registration opens.

Personally, I'm trying really hard to get there. Since this is free, I'm trying to find a way to finance my trip over there. I've already got a one day consulting gig if I get there, but if anyone want's me to sit with them for a day to consult about anything agile, unit testing, tdd, continuous Integration or .NET internals, I'd be happy to work something out.

The people there are the same people that made DevTeach such a unique experience. As it seems right now, I'm not going to made it to DevTeach Vancouver this year(unless you can find me a course you want me to run while I'm there that could pay for my trip over) so this is the closest I can get to this great bunch of people.