Roy Osherove

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Free Webinar: Be a legacy code unit test ninja with Typemock Isolator

On Tuesday next week, I’ll be hosting a free webinar on using Typemock Isolator to write unit tests for some horribly untestable legacy code. (I originally wanted to call it “Can you Isolation framework do this?”)

Roy will walk you through writing unit tests for one of the most untestable code bases he could find in the .net open source world - BlogEngine.NET.

A successful blogging engine, BlogEngine.NET lacks some unit tests, and together with Roy, you'll dive deep into effective techniques to add tests to such code, assuming you cannot change it.

Learn how to use Typemock Isolator to:
• Fake nonpublic static methods
• Fake singletons
• Select the level at which to fake something
• And much more…

When: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (GMT+2)