Seeking Speakers about Branching Strategies, Feature Toggles, Pairing & Other XP/CD Practices
The new CD/XP israel meetup that I’m running is seeking speakers for our meetups in the next few months about any of the following subjects:
Branching Strategies
Continuous Delivery Metrics
Engineering Practices & Automation
Testing & TDD *
Security Testing & Pipeline Automation *
Developer Testing *
Infrastructure as Code *
Cross Team Collaboration *
Feature Teams *
QA/Dev/Sec Automation *
DevOps, DevSecOps, DevTestOps and others *
Feature Toggles & Rollouts *
Pair Programming & Other XP Practices *
Anything else you think might be interesting
If you live in Israel are in the neighborhood at some point, please consider sharing your knowledge with the CD/XP agile community.
URL to Submit: