Roy Osherove

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New year's resolution: lowering the noise on the main feed (excluding this post :) )

Now that Scott has implemented a feature in .Text that allows one to decide whether a particular post will be aggregated to the main feed or not, I'll be trying to take advantage of this and "filter" my off topic postings from the main weblogs feed. Hopefully, I won't be the only one and together we can make the main feed contain less noise and more signal.

Ironically, I'm posting this post on the main feed in order to bring all the blogger's attention to this feature. But, it's the last really off topic post that I'll be letting into the main feed from now on. I hope others will do the same.

Thanks. God bless, and, as Mike says :

"Happy whatever to those of you who celebrate something."


If you don't know how to make a post appear only on your blog, here's how: when writing the post, open the "advanced options" bar on the bottom of the page and uncheck the last checkbox ("Include in aggregated site"). If you don't want to forget this when you need to, go to the Options->preferences tab and set "show ad vaned options" to "yes"