Roy Osherove

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The Imposter Syndrome: Feeling Like A Fraud

I can't say these words any better:

"My shameful secret is out: I cannot write. I have been sitting for two hours now, my pen idling over my page. My mind is barren of fresh ideas, my thoughts are cranky and resistant. I have been calling to the winds for inspiration but it hasn’t come. It’s almost noon and my writing boat hasn’t even left the shore.

A secret voice hisses in my ear: “Call yourself a writer? Ha, you have nothing to say, everything you want to say has been said before. You got assigned this column because you smart-talked your way into it, but now you’re caught. Your time’s up, you fraud....”

"...Research into the “imposter syndrome” first began in 1978 by two psychotherapists Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes who studied a group of successful, high-achieving women. They found that these women had high levels of self-doubt and an inability to internalise their success. They believed they were “fooling” other people, that they got where they did because of contacts or luck — even when a reality check proved that the exact opposite was true. External proofs of excellence — academic degrees, awards, promotions — were routinely dismissed. As researcher Dr Valerie Young put it: “Rather than offering assurance, each new achievement and subsequent challenge only serves to intensify the ever present fear of being...found out.”

[The Imposter Syndrome: Feeling Like A Fraud]

(if you totally get what this is saying, you should read the whole article.)

I bet many of you have felt like this, god knows I have You know what? it's normal. this article changed my point of view so much, that I couldn't help but share it. So although it may seem off topic, it really isn't.