Israel C# User Group: How to write your own object relational mapping
Date: Wednesday, January 19, 17:00 - 20:00
Place: Microsoft
Hapnina 2 (
Ground Floor
+972 (9) 762-5100
Udi Dahan is a Microsoft Israel recognized .Net development expert and head of .Net development at KorenTec where he leads C4I projects. Udi speaks regularly at user groups throughout the country on advanced .NET topics. His experience spans technologies related to Command & Control systems, Real Time applications, and high-availability Internet services using C#/.Net and MS SQL Server databases.
Udi is known as a primary authority on Service Oriented Architectures in
Although admission is free and you may attend without reserving a place, we kindly request that you notify us if you plan to attend so that we can be sure to have enough chairs and FOOD! Thank you.