Roy Osherove

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TechEd: David Platt on Smart Clients Vs. Browsers

It's the first time I've been to a speaker lounge in TechEd (and 2nd time in TechEd at all, for that matter) and boy there are some interesting people in here. Phone posted later.
For now, David Platt about Smart Client Vs. Browser: 
"InProc vs. Out of Proc is kinda like sex. InProc is like sex without a condom - much more intimate but not very secure. OutProc is not as intimate, you may have more performance problems as well, but it's much more secure."
"Think of paper as an Energy in-energy out scenario.There is little energy required to burn a piece of paper, and also very little energy (heat) is produced. Coal, on the other hand, needs lots of energy to get going, but produces lots of energy in return. Now transfer this idea to the discussion about smart clients vs. browsers. For a browser app, the client needs very little energy to produce a working installation. But gets little in return (you wouldn't run a whole Word editing session inside a browser, would you?). For a smart client app, the amount of energy is higher (installation, security issues) but you get lots more in return. ClickOnce aims to make the energy investment lower and lower, but it still is not a browser-like installation."
I'll be doing a full interview with david during TechEd, to be posted in the coming weeks..