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One more DevDays Talk: Introduction to Agile Methodologies and Concepts

Looks like I'll be doing a third talk at the upcoming DevDays in Belgium. I'm taking the place of Rafal Lukawiecki, who couldn't make it in time, and will be talking about a topic near and dear to my heart. You guessed it. Agile.
Introduction to Agile Methodologies and Concepts
March 8, 2006 - 14:30 - 15:45
Ever knew on your first day on the project that you’re going to miss the deadline? Ever been “surprised” that the customer changed their mind? Ever had long nights trying to fit your latest changes into code that just keeps on breaking? You’re not alone. Wondering where you should start if you want to go Agile? This talk is for you. We’ll take a look at the traditional “Engineering” based methodologies such as the waterfall model, how they came to be, why most projects today fail, and what the differences are between Engineering methodologies and “Agile” methodologies. We’ll explore what “Embrace Change” really means in the context of Agile development and what “People-Oriented” “Adaptive” development mean in that context. We’ll see how methodologies such as XP, Scrum, MSF-Agile and others fit into the context of Agile development and talk about the ways in which one can start adopting agile in their organization. Finally, we’ll talk about some of the most basic steps any organization can take in the road to becoming more and more Agile. 

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