Went to my user group meeting today. Was kinda funny.
We had no electricity for some reason, so the group leader decided to take us all out and have a “Help” session, in which everyone with a problem raises it to the group and people try to answer him. It was one of the best meetings I’ve attended. People actually took part.
I also got up and recommended .NetWeblogs as a good resource site.
I also got the chance to help out a guy who was there. I overheard him talk about needing a job, so I handed him my email and told him to email me his resume.
I wasn’t promising anything, but, what’s the harm in trying right? Made me feel good and hopefully, he’d do the same for me.
Then I got two possible job leads from two other people in the group, which I will be trying out in the next week or so.
Sometimes sociability is a good thing.