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See you at the user group tonight (topic - CLR plumbing)

Hope to see you all tonight and the Israel Visual C++ user group meeting(note - anyone can go, you don't have to know C++ . the topic is great for anyone involved in .Net!)

here's the info from the site:

"Date:   Wedensday,   July 16, 17:00 - 20:00

Place:   Microsoft Israel   

            Hapnina 2  ( Amdocs Building )ç New address

            Ground Floor


+972 (9) 762-5100         


Parking: In Microsoft Building, turn right at the traffic circle. Please mention you came for "Microsoft User Groups"


Topic: "CLR Plumbing"

Lecturer:Gad J. Meir

IDAG, Ltd.

B.Sc in Computer Engineering, Technion - Technical Institute of Israel MCSE, MCSD, MCT and most other Microsoft Certifications Certified MSF Trainer, Microsoft International


To be able to run .net application on a target machine, you need to install or make sure that .net Run Time environment is installed.

·                     What really happened to the target computer while the .net RT environment is installed? What is the .net RT? Not in the concept or Classes libraries but in files, registry entries, WMI counters, Performance Monitor objects, Libraries Types and many other items that are being installed.

·                     What kinds of tools are installed with the RT to help the developer and the system administrator?

·                     What does each tool do?

·                     When to use each tool?

·                     How to build Hello world program without

·                     What really happened on the computer when you run the Hello world program?

Take a deep look into the CLR virtual machine.!


Please note that Microsoft has moved to Raanana. Please make sure to go to the new location.


Don’t forget our website is at        


Although admission is free and you may attend without reserving a place, we kindly request that you notify us if you plan to attend so that we can be sure to have enough chairs and FOOD! Thank you.


Moshe Raab

ivcug at comconix dot com"


PDC pricing continued

We will not ship s#!*t