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Truly, a ".Net Master Class"

Tomorrow is the last day in Juval Lowy's Advanced .Net maser class. We learned a lot about .Net 2.0 and best practices and concepts. By this time I can certainly say this:
  • Having paid for this out of my own pocket, it was worth every penny. 
  • The amount of information and "what not to do" information I got is something which would have taken me a year of hardcore development with 2.0 to get, and even then probably not all of it. 
  • I think that already by the first day I got a return on my investment with some great tips. (I hope to be writing several articles on related topic, after approval from Juval on them)
  • Any manager who had the chance to send people over to the class and did not do so because of "financial disagreements" made a mistake. If you have consulting people that live and die by knowing hardcore stuff, they should have been there. period.

My interview with Johanna Rothman goes live on ITConversations.Com

Do not serialize delegates and events blindly