Roy Osherove

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NUnit 2.2.4: .NET 2.0 Support, Extensibility Support and new Asserts and Attributes

Got this from Charlie Poole today:
We just released NUnit 2.2.4, the first production release of NUnit since
2.2 was released in August 2004. That means it's the release we recommend you use now - as opposed to all the warnings we give with our development releases.
If you haven't followed the development releases, here are a few highlights of what's new, as compared to NUnit 2.2:
  • NUnit 2.2.4 runs under .Net 2.0 and works with VS2005. If you work exclusively with .Net 2.0, you can download a version that is actually built with that framework version, which eliminates dealing with the config file.
  • You can run tests built against older versions - 2.0 or later - of NUnit without recompiling. As a bonus, you can run tests built against CSUnit without recompiling.
  • A number of new Asserts and Attributes have been added. It is now much easier to create your own custom Asserts while still taking advantage of NUnit's built-in error message formatting.
  •  An extensibility mechanism allows you to define your own attributes for test fixtures and cases that behave in non-standard ways. [This feature is Still a bit experimental, and will appear in final form in the 2.4 release.
  • Documentation is substantially improved and is provided as a set of html files. The packaged documentation includes only version-specific details, with info that may change over time, such as contacts, kept on the web site.
You can read the full release notes at Note that the site has not yet been updated to reflect this release.
You can download NUnit 2.2.4 at