Roy Osherove

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[Article]Simplify Data Layer Unit Testing using Enterprise Services

My first MSDN Magazine article is (finally!) up:
Simplify Data Layer Unit Testing using Enterprise Services
"Despite all the hype surrounding unit testing and Test Driven Development (TDD) many developers don't see them as useful processes that are applicable to the production of real-world applications. One reason is that once you get down to the intricacies of application development, all of the easy testing you've heard so much about can vanish. You may find yourself writing unit tests that are hard to implement against real code. This is often the case in database testing, where TDD can quickly lose its appeal, and force you to revert your processes to the previous real-world methodologies your team employed. Here, I'll present some techniques to make your testing process easier, even when developing real-world applications, using unit testing."
This should sum up nicely the stuff that I've learned in this arena over the past year or so and should pose the "definitive overview" on this subject for .NET developers. Hopefully.
Just in case you're wondering - that one and only "review" down below the article giving the perfect grade to this article - Yeah, that's mine :-)