Roy Osherove

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HnD - Open source forums and support backed by LLBLGen 2.0

Frans Bouma, one of the people I highly respect in the blogsphere as an architect and ISV (Built LLBLGen - one of the strongest ORMs out there for .NET) Just released HnD, which stands for Help and Discuss - an open source forum and support system built on top of LLGBLGen data access.


"Yesterday, we released HnD, which stands for Help and Discuss, our own customer support system and forums software! HnD has been released as free, open source software under the GPL v2 and uses ASP.NET 2.0, SqlServer and uses LLBLGen Pro v2.0 power for 100% of the data-access functionality. "

I'd highly recommend taking a look at the code and seeing what they did in there, design choinces, and see what LLBLGen is really capable of.