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Catch me at the Architects User Group: Partially Connected Smart Clients Architecture

This is one area where I see lots of frustration around, and justly. There's a lot of knowledge still missing about design guidelines, architecture and such. The reason its missing is because there is so much stuff out there telling you how to do things on smart clients, it's like drinking water out of a fire hose..

Date: February 26th, 2006 (26/2/2006)

Time: 17:30 – 20:00

Location: HP offices, 9 Daphna St, Kiryat Etgarim (northern industrial area), Ra’anana

Topic: Partially-Connected Smart Clients: Challenges and Solutions for Offline Data Synchronization and Caching


  • 17:30 – 17:45 – Assembly
  • 17:45 – 18:45 – Partially-Connected Smart Clients: Challenges and Solutions for Offline Data Synchronization and Caching – Roy Osherove
  • 18:45 – 19:00 – Break
  • 19:00 – 20:00 – Partially-Connected Smart Clients: Challenges and Solutions for Offline Data Synchronization and Caching – Roy Osherove
One of the challenges of Smart Client development and operations is supporting disconnected operations. As soon as you allow your application to be used offline, a whole new set of considerations need to be addressed in your design. This session explores what those challenges are, what the available choices are to address them, and what are the best choices for a variety of situations. The session includes demos for different options and shows what modifications are required to an application's architecture to support the different options discussed.

[OT]Israeli group announces anti-Semitic cartoons contest

Catch me at IVCUG this week: TDD with VS 2005, and designing for testability