Roy Osherove

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February at Agile Israel: The FIT Testing Framework

[we currently have 240 members registered with the group(!). If you want to join (it's free!) just go to and press the register link]
The next Agile Israel meeting will take place on the 27th of this month (Monday) and will be about FIT testing.
For more information and arrival instruction, see the event page.
Time and date:
February 27th, 2006
Gathering and smalltalk: 17:30
We start promptly at 18:00
Speaker: Amir Kolsky
The Framework for Interactive Testing (FIT) is a mechanism to specify tests using a higher level language (namely HTML). By using human readable, writable and understandable language we are able to merge specifications and testing into a unified entity called the Executable Specification. This is also commonly referred to (but not limited to) Acceptance, User or Story Tests.
Story Test Driven Development is an an alternative to the traditional TDD approach (pun is intended). In this lecture we will look at:
- What is a unit test and how they are executed
- What is FIT and how FIT tests are executed
- How to marry unit tests and FIT
- The types of FIT tables
The second part will be a FIT demonstration - I.e. going from requirement to test to working code.

Amir Kolsky has been in the software industry for longer than he cares to remember. He spent many years in IBM research working on everything from translation systems to operating systems. After leaving IBM he took the chief architect and CTO in several large and small companies, founded a company (MobileSpear) and eventually decided that what he likes to do best is rekindle peoples love of programming. He has been doing Agile since 2000 and has co-founded XPand Software with the agile tenets as its foundations.