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June @ Agile Israel (Feature Driven Development, Design For Testability)


After a long time with no meetings at Agile Israel, I’d like to invite you to our next meeting which will take place on the 29th of June (Thursday) at Microsoft Israel. As always, it is completely free to attend, so bring your friends and colleagues over if you think they’d be interested! You can learn more about the group in the temporary site: .


See you there,

Roy Osherove

Founder, Agile Israel



Time: June 29th, 18:00 (gathering at 17:30, we start at 18:00, no later).

Place: Microsoft Israel

2 Hapnina St,


(09) 7625-100


Floor 0, Dekel Room

It is the new building across from Amdocs.

After the first traffic circle, there is an area for (free) parking on the right.




18:00 – 19:15: Feature Driven Development (Justin Angel)

Break 15 minutes

19:30 – 20:45: Design For Testability (Roy Osherove)

20:45 Raffle:  3 Great books for those who fill out evaluation forms

·          Test Driven Development By Example

·          Agile Project Management with Scrum

·          Extreme Programming Adventures in C#


+ Special little Summer-related gift to all participants of the group!



Feature Driven Development

Justin Josef Angel


You've already seen the light and you know that the less documentation we produce and the more open with the customer the better we all are. But you suffer from the bad image of "Cowboy coders" and "copy-paste-fix developers", each day when you get to the office you have to work hard to implement an agile methodology, the client doesn't know what agile is but when you say "we'll talk specifics later" he thinks it's a scum. And you know it could be better, there has to be a better way.


Feature Driven-Development (FDD) is a wildly used & well-known agile methodology. FDD is best used on groups ranging from 10 developers to 500 developers. It's an enterprise-targeted real-life  agile methodology. FDD gives you the tools you need to make an agile difference where you work without having to make everyone leave their comfort zone. In fact, FDD can look (to the untrained eye) like an ordinary Waterfall process and doesn't even tell you how to code.


FDD has a very unique format for Design & Analysis documents. in stand of 20,000 pages of useless documentation - get 40 great pages of small client-valued and testable features. FDD gives you a set of best practices and a process you can easily implement where you work.


Design For Testability

Roy Osherove


Unit Testing and Agile Methodologies seem to be the latest buzz in the software industry these days,

but many people who actually try to Unit Test their application (whether new code or 'legacy' code) find out quickly that doing a good job can be tough if some thought about the code's design for testability is not considered.

In this talk we'll discuss various methods of designing your APIs so that they are easy to test, how design patterns help, what 'evolving a design' really means in the context of Test Driven Development, and several techniques for approaching the task of unit testing "legacy code".

Most importantly, we'll try to come up with the definition of a "testable" software system.





Justin-Josef Angel has been working for the past five years in web development. The last three of which as a senior ASP.Net developer. For the past three years Justin-Josef Angel has worked & consulted on many .Net projects in various roles (consultant, Project manager, architect & Senior developer). He works and is active in multiple fields: Agile project development, ASP.Net, OOAD, Web 2.0, Management and Training.

Justin-Josef Angel also owns the first Hebrew .Net blog www.JustinAngel.Net. At his blog he publishes technical Hebrew articles & webcasts for both new developers and experienced gurus.

Justin-Josef Angel holds several industry certifications. He has been given the MVP title which is given to developers with extreme technical expertise and a willingness to share their knowledge. He also holds an MCSD certification.  

You find can Justin-Josef Angel at the Hebrew .Net forums, Israeli .Net oriented websites & Microsoft Israel user groups.


Roy Osherove is the Principal of Team Agile - An Israel based mentoring and training company focusing on Agile development methods and tools, with a strong technical focus for developers.

Roy speaks at national and international conferences around the world, including Microsoft's TechEd and DevDays. You can read his thoughts about .NET and Agile Development at his weblog: , and in articles he publishes online and on MSDN Magazine.

Roy is also the Founder of the Agile Israel user's group – meeting monthly to discuss topics on Agile development, process improvement and implementing change in organizations. Roy has been involved in the software industry for a little over 10 years now. For 5 of those, he's worked as a consultant for small and large organizations in Israel and Europe, focusing on smarter development methods, architecture, methodology training and developer productivity.


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