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Need help spreading a technical video via Bittorrnet

Update: fixed the link to the torrent file. you can try and use it now:

I have the video of my "Designing For Testability" talk from DevDays (60MB) ready for download for you guys, but I don't want burden my server too much, so here's what I was thinking of doing (which involves you!)

I'm going to make is downloadable via BitTorrent. Then people could use a program like uTorrent to download it.

The problem is I can't "seed" the file from my machine very well, since my upload speed is a crappy 10k, this 60MB file can take a loooong time.

(A seed is someone who has the full file locally, so that whatever happens, anyone downloading will always find the full pieces of a the file)

So, I'm looking for "Seeders". These folks can then download the file directly from a private link I will send them, and then seed it via BitTorrent.  Email me to Roy at if you'd like the private link to seed this and let me know how much upload speed you can spare for this..

I'm looking for the end result to look like this:

* When people click this link: they'll have a couple or more seeds that have "real" upload speeds, and it will just work.

If you know how to accomplish that when the seeders actually downloaded the full file not via torrent, let me know - and that's what we'll do.

If not, just click the link now, and in a day or so, we'll have more and more seeds that can help spread the video faster and faster..

Video: Designing For Testability

New Language in Google: 'Elmer Fudd'