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TDD Master class - Videos Available For Purchase at TekPub

UPDATE: I have moved my tdd master class videos over to . I’ve added many more and the class is now almost fully complete.

In the past several months I’ve been taking background recordings of my classes with screen recorders on. I’ve heard from a good number of people that they can’t attend my TDD classes, and that it would be great if they could get videos of those classes in some way. 

So I took a step that scared me a bit (always a good thing to be scared a bit!), and through TekPub, released recordings from days 1 and 2 of my TDD master class (overall it’s five days). The whole thing costs 40$, which to me is the scary part. Maybe people will not want to got to my classes if they can learn it all online? Maybe it’s not enough money? (I’m getting about 50% of that, BTW - which is cool and dandy with me).

Anyway, I thought it might be an interesting exercise, so for now, I’m not putting all my eggs in one basket - You can’t get *all* five days of videos.. yet. That scares me a bit too much to do.

Instead, you get to learn some of the most basic building blocks of successful TDD and Unit testing: writing tests that are readable, maintainable and trustworthy. 

What’s included?


  • Unit Testing and TDD 101 + Readability, Maintainability and Trust - if you’ve never written a unit test before - this is a good start. But if you have, you’ll start learning about practices that will make the tests readable and maintainable. You’ll also learn some Test-First with NUnit (and some Nuget as well..). This is covered in various ways in all five of those videos
  • Hand Written Mocks and Fakes - good for understanding the concepts of mocks, stubs and fakes, and how they work under the covers. In fact, some people never go on to use Isolation frameworks (I dislike calling them mocking frameworks because that term is just mostly wrong for what they are used for),  and stay with hand written fakes.
  • Starting the string calculator kata - I here I go through the first few stages of the String Calculator Kata, again with focus on readability and maintainability, and also describing my TDD thinking process in a frame-by-frame manner
  • Lots of conversations between me and my students
  • You’ll get to hear how I changed my view from what a ‘unit’ is to a ‘unit-of-work’ mentality
  • Legacy code walk-throughs
  • Code Reviews
  • Isolation Frameworks


  • You doing the exercises and drills that comprise more than 50% of this course with me watching and nagging behind your back


I hope this helps you get closer to your target of quality code, delivered. If you need more - you can read my book. Or you can watch more videos for free.

My Suggested Talks for NDC 2012

Effective Miscommunication