Roy Osherove

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Another Israeli Blogger

Yorai is another israeli developer/blogger - only in Delphi. Still, I think there's currently so few of us that he gets a link in my Bloggers section.  Plus, he seems to be writing some interesting stuff, also about .Net and I'm not sure but it looks like he's doing Delphi .Net? Just look at this post and tell me nothing smells really really familiar.
And I'll repeat my mantra:
* are you an Israeli .Net blogger and I don't know you? contact me through the blog and tell me about it and I'll add you to my list.
* Do you want to start your own .Net blog? tell me about it too. I'll refer you to the best place to start.
Yorai posted about this, which I hope sounds as funny as it reads:
The Shining, in 30 seconds, and re-enacted by bunnies. From the same people that gave you The Exorcist