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[Recording]Johanna Rothman at Agile Israel: 9 steps to becoming more Agile

I was quite wary of how the recording would turn out, and it really wasn't perfect. But, with some tweaking and noise removal, I bring you the recoding from the first half of the Agile Israel user group meeting last week. Pictures to come.

It'as available for download as two parts - so you can burn it onto a CD and listen on the way to work (if you're a geek like me, that is).

Johanna Rothman at Agile Israel user group

9 Steps to becoming Agile(March 23, 2005)

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes.

Language: English.



Johanna Discusses the 9 steps each organization might want to consider as they start to move toward a more Agile development process.

An interesting and funny speaker, Johanna discusses Daily builds, Automated smoke tests, Implementing by slice, Testing early and often, Timeboxing requirements work, ranking the requirements, Rolling wave planning, defining milestones based on deliverables -  not functions,and  creating cross-functional project teams.

Johanna has written over 100 articles and papers and is now a columnist for Fast Company’s online career center, Software Development,, and Johanna is the author of the highly acclaimed Hiring the Best Knowledge Workers, Techies & Nerds, and is the coauthor of Corrective Action for the Software Industry. Johanna is also a host and session leader at the Amplifying Your Effectiveness (AYE) conference

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