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A meeting with a twist this Wednesday at Agile Israel

  • a package of 100 Popsicle sticks.
  • A package of rubber bands (elastics)
  • 1 ball of string
  • Packages of colored index cards or colored paper
  • 4 or 5 kid scissors (not-sharp scissors)
  • 4-5 scotch tape dispensers (the small ones, not a heavy desk one)
That's my shopping list for the special talk we're going to have this Wednesday at the Agile Israel user group:
Send an email to yes at and register to go. You don't have to register, but it would be great to know who is actually planning to come so that we have enough food 'n stuff.
The topic of this 3 hour talk:
- Intro to Agile development
- 9 steps to Agile projects
- Interactive exercise
Hosted by noted author and international speaker Johanna Rothman, who hosts two of my favorite blogs (here and
here), this looks to be a great session, with a little interesting twist.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Meeting will take place at Microsoft Ra'anana: 2 Hapnina St, Raanana
(09) 7625-100 Floor 0 , Dekel Room
It is the new building across from Amdocs. After the first traffic circle, there is an area for (free) parking on the right.
Arrival at 17:30 we start at 17:45.

VS 2005 Pricing and Licensing (sucks)

Taking notice of Lucene: A searching & indexing library