The Official Israel Video Blog — Roy Osherove

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The Official Israel Video Blog

This is interesting. Israel is now officially one of the first countries in the world to have its own official video-blog.
The pickings are pretty slim right now, but here's to hoping it gets lots of juicy content real soon!
From the site:
"The Israel Video Blog is a project of the Israeli Consulate in New York City.
We know that Israel is not only at the cutting edge of technology and new media, but Israelis are seriously into artistic creation in all its forms. It’s a vibrant and diverse scene that includes everyone from rappers performing on street corners to archaeologists reconstructing ancient cities. These are the real Israelis, whose work and lives can be found behind the news headlines.

We at the Israeli Consulate in New York City would like you to get to know them. We have created this video blog as a platform for Israelis to show the world their creations, to tell their stories in their own words, and to engage in conversations with like-minded people. Also, we will be happy if this project will encourage even more Israelis to start using new publishing tools, like weblogs and video blogs, in order to communicate with people from all over the world."

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