How to: Move your blog off of
My blog has finally moved to /blog
Thank you DotNetWeblogs and ScottWater for creating the site to begin with. It used to be a great community site, which I was proud to be part of.
- Why?
Thank you Microsoft for abandoning it and leaving its users hopelessly stuck unable to move to other blog platforms. Today it is ugly, unmaintained, and 7 versions back in the CommunityServer version. This horse is almost as dead as live spaces, only Microsoft isn’t planning on reincarnating it into wordpress any time soon.
- What’s the new RSS feed for the new blog?
It’s the same. you don’t have to change anything, since I’m using FeedBurner for the feed.
It’s still
- I want to move my blog out of this site as well!
We’ve released the tool that has exported my project as an Open Source tool over on CodePlex:
- Will this work for other CommunityServer based sites? (such as , ?)
It should, since the tool is based on XML-RPC. It also supports SquareSpace and WordPress, so you should be able to:
- Move your blog from WordPress to Squarespace
- Move your blog from WordPress to CommunityServer
- Move your blog from Squarespace to WordPress
- Move your blog from SquareSpace to CommunityServer
- Move your blog from CommunityServer to Squarespace
- Move your blog from CommunityServer to WordPress