Roy Osherove

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Architecting in an Agile World - My ArcCast with Ron Jabobs in online

My ArcCast with Ron Jacobs, Recorded at TechEd Israel, is now online!
It was really fun sitting there in front of a crowd and just talking with Ron. I broke my teeth a little speaking english, but it feels OK, listening to it after the fact.
Listen to it: ARCast - Architecting in an Agile World
Have you ever thought about how the world is agile? That is to say it is a dynamic place; nothing is constant except for change. This can be very frustrating to say the least. If the whole world would just stop spinning for a moment perhaps we could build software that would fit it but just when you get things going--requirements change, people come and go, business rules change etc. it can be very frustrating. Architects don’t need to be frustrated by this change, no, you can learn to adapt to this agile world according to my guest today Roy Osherove. So listen up and learn something.